Conveyance Rules
- School makes arrangement for conveyance. Any student of LDPS can make use of bus after paying the transport fee in school office.
- The vehicle will halt only at the stops decided by the school management. The charges vary according to the distance from the school.
- A calendar month’s notice is to be given in writing is a student is discontinuing the use of the school bus. Otherwise, charges for ensuing quarter will be payable. In such a case a discontinuation certificate should be obtained from the school and produced when called for. An application for a discontinuation certificate should be submitted in duplicate.
- A duplicate copy of the application will be returned with the signature of the principal or office Superintendent.
- If a student discontinuous using the bus before the expiry of the period for which he has paid, there will be no refund.
Fee Structure Rules
1. Fee should be paid monthly.
2. Those whose fee have not been paid by the 10th of the due month, will have to pay a fine of Rs. 10.00 (11th yo 15th), Rs. 15.00 (17st to last day of the month),
Rs. 20.00 (Next month upto 16th)
3. Fee and charges are subject to revision from time to time.
4. Fee may be paid from any number of months in advance.
5. School leaving Cerificate will not be issued until all dues to the school have been cleared.
6. The name of those whose fee are in arrears for 2 months will be struck off from the register.